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/ PD/Shareware - 14,000 Programs / PD-Shareware 14000 Programs (Powersource)(1992).iso / gs / 101a / eye.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1991-12-11  |  20KB  |  741x816  |  1-bit (2 colors)
Labels: diagram | sketch | drawing | text | circle
OCR: Posterior chamber. Cornea Limbal zone Iris ... Anterior chamber Conjunctiva Canal of Schlemm Clilary.muscle -Ciliary body Lens Rectus tendon Ciliary process Zonule fibers ----- Retrolental space Ciliary epithelium Ora terminalis - Optic axis ; -- -- Visual axis Canal of Cloquet - Vitreous humor Retina Sclera Choroid Disct. Fovea Lamina cribrosa Macula. Nervo If sheath lutea